Hyejin “Grace” Park

I am a film director, screenwriter, and film editor obsessed with telling stories that capture little struggles and victories in life that happen in a whimsical world. I spent my childhood going back and forth from New Zealand to South Korea, which made me naturally drawn to ‘Fish out of water stories. As an adult, I started bringing social issues to the core of my Fantasy, Sci-fi films with a sprinkle of humor, making minorities feel seen and heard.

For the past ten years, I’ve written and directed 24 short films that garnered numerous awards and nominations that explored dreams, unconsciousness, and supernatural events to address social issues, including Rope from Heaven (2023), To Mom (2020) and Sally’s Law (2018). Recently, I co-directed a USC feature film, Jack & Lou (2023), a gangster love story set in 1920s Chicago, and directed two feature-length micro-series.